Comparison of online doctor consultation vs hospital consultation


Hospital Consultation:

In the hospital, people will get the consult directly from the doctors for their health issues. In that, they can interact with each other face to face by the people and doctors. In the middle of the conversation if the doctor could not get the exact patient health issue.

Online Consultation:

Second Opinion is one of the best and leading online doctor consultation mobile app. They provide prime doctors who have 10–15 years of experience in these fields. People don’t want to wait for hours to meet the doctor in the long queue.

Precautions you should do to avoid deadly diseases



Prevention is better than cure. In recent days, Corona is the name that appears frequently in headlines and everyone is looking for preventive measures to stay safe. Diseases are an unavoidable part of life but there are many strategies to protect you. If you have any doubts and need to consult a doctor, then install the Second Opinion app and chat with doctors online.

Meanwhile, read the following healthy habits to prevent germs and infections from spreading.


Personal Hygiene

This includes how you care about your body. In addition to washing hands, you need to wash your face and foot as well. Brushing your teeth and bathing is also very important to keep yourself clean.

Personal hygiene will prevent you and people around you from getting sick. To wash your hands, scrub it for 20 to 30 seconds, under your nails, between your fingers and back of the hands. Wash your hair at least twice a week.


Environmental Sanitation

Germs live on surfaces. Clean it regularly with soap and water. The kitchen and restroom are the two places in our house where you find the majority of infections. So, daily proper cleaning of the basin and surfaces of a kitchen is necessary to avoid diseases. When it comes to restroom, good toilet hygiene should be maintained by both adults and children. Wet places like wash basins should keep clean as much as possible.


Stay at Home

If you are sick, avoid travel and stay at home. Because infections may spread from person to person and you might not be the reason for spreading the disease to anyone. If you are not sick, make sure that you travel with safety. If you are traveling abroad, contact your healthcare provider to ask your doubts. Book an appointment with a doctor in Second Opinion to consult in person via live video calls.  


Eat Healthily

Daily habits play a vital role in fighting against infectious diseases. Clean your kitchen before and after the preparation of food. Prepare and handle food carefully. Wash your hands well before and after eating or preparing food. Follow healthy food habits to improve your immunity power. Don’t forget to wash fruit and vegetables. Keep the cooked food at a proper temperature. Refrigerate them if necessary. Consume food that is rich in Vitamin C that fights against diseases.


Regular Health Checkup

A generation ago, people visit doctors only if they are not feeling well. But nowadays, due to the increasing number of diseases, regular check-ups are required to find health issues at an earlier stage. Vaccinate properly to lower the risk of dangerous diseases. 

Ask a doctor about your health-related queries with the free chat doctor consulting app Second Opinion. Upload your reports in the mobile app and get consultation via video calls.


Take Proper Rest

Take a break, get some rest, and focus on your health. Sleep at least 6 hours a day. Try to sleep and wake up at the same time every day!

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth especially when you are sick! Follow these steps to stay healthy always!


Originally published at

3 ways to crack data scientist jobs



There are a plethora of interview questions might be around the internet for data science jobs. But should the candidate need to thorough all questions? Not exactly. Because, data science is the vast field with a lot of job roles, designations, responsibilities.

Meanwhile, there is some data science institute in Hyderabad that guide you to prepare better for the interviews. They also provide some serious offers like job guarantee program and it's still a good idea for you to be safe.You might be listening to their mentorship which is worthy. Or else follow the practices which I will be sharing here to get placed. I have listed some of the 3 easy ways to get prepare for the interview questions and crack the job.


Understand your role:

At first, it is necessary to understand the roles and responsibilities of the job that you are applying for. Make sure that your professional experience matches the job or you need extra skills needed for the job. It will give you enough confidence to speak with 100% certainty as you already know the job responsibilities. Study the company background and evaluate yourself on how you can help them in a specific role in case you are selected. 


This will tell the hiring managers that you are more interested in choosing their company for a career. You should collect and organize the projects that you are worked previously. It will differentiate you from the entire crowd as most of the candidates are not doing this properly. 


Take expert advice from the people who are familiar with the data science field and know about their learning experience which will help you in facing the interview.

Make a strong profile:


Most of the hiring managers will see your resume first, and then your social media profile Or vice versa. Quite interesting?Right. These days hiring process starts with somewhere from Linkedin, Twitter, or some other job portal listing sites. The main task for you is to clearly organize the profile to look unique from others. 


Add your skills, your achievements, project history, and job roles because your resume can be replaced with social media profiles in the near future. Keep a regular checkup on your social profile, share the interesting news, voice out your views, engage with people in your niche. It will give the green signal to your interviewer that you show more interest in the domain.


It’s even better if you can write articles about data science or the news, industry trends in your field. Participating in the programmer’s area like StackOverflow will be more useful for making you a strong social presence. The recent study shows that half of the freelancers are getting hired due to their strong omnichannel media presence.

Core knowledge and positive attitude:

Due to the vast demand in data science jobs, employers are actively searching for the right candidates everywhere. Hence it’s much easier than before to get seen in the eyes of the hiring managers.

It’s not mandatory to be an expert in the field but showing hardcore interest and a strong positive attitude can land you in the best job. I am seeing that most of the tech companies like Amazon, Flipkart are hiring for freshers role in large numbers with the need for basic core knowledge in data science and statistics. Best of luck with your job interview.